Contact Info
- Phone:
- 575-682-2551
- Length:
- 1 mile
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Time:
- 30 mins
Middle Tank Trail (T9611B) is an ATV trail located on Prestridge fuel break, leading down into Bear Canyon, terminating at Camp Mary White (Girl Scout Camp). There is no access right of way through this private property, so plan on traveling back on trail to Prestridge Ridge. Length of trail is 1 mile round trip. Go west from Sacramento on FR 64 about 2 ½ miles, turn right onto FR 257 (Hay Canyon), travel 3 miles, turn right onto FR 541 (Prestridge Hill), go to the top of the hill, turn right onto FR 551, go .75 miles. The trail is located on the left. This area is heavily timbered with lots of wild animals to observe.