Contact Info
- Phone:
- 575-682-2551
- Length:
- 5.2 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 2.5 - 3.5 hours
Dog Canyon Trail (T106) is another National Recreation Trail starting at the mouth of Dog Canyon in Oliver Lee Memorial State Park and ending at FR 90B on Joplin Ridge. Oliver Lee State Park is approximately 13 miles south of Alamogordo. Dog Canyon Trail has an elevation gain of 3,130 feet to 4400 feet at trailhead to 7600 feet on Joplin Ridge. Trail conditions vary from good to poor for the first two miles. Last 2.5 miles are arduous – steep grades and rocky trail tread. Scenic and historical, the trail provides magnificent views of Dog Canyon and the Tularosa Basin plus the San Andres Mountains. An old stone cowboy cabin is located approximately 2.5 miles up the trail from the trailhead and is often on the terminus for hikers.