Contact Info
- Phone:
- 505-757-6121
- Length:
- 5 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 4 - 5 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 10320 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 10320 feet to 11840 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1520 feet
- Usage:
- Light
- Season:
- Year Round
From the intersection with North Azul Trail 264, this trail heads almost due west across a meadow above the river. After crossing the Azul, the trail travels through dense forest and occasional large meadows along the northside of the south fork of the Rito Azul. The junction with Jack's Creek trail 257 is located near the base of Trailriders' Wall. Continue north on the two trails until the South Azul trail turns to the northwest up the hillside just before a small stream crossing. This junction is very obscure. The trail continues northwest to its junction with Trail 251 and then turns north for three-quarter miles to its end at the northern junction with North Azul Trail 264. This last section of trail is very eroded and may be difficult for horses
Tour Companies
Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing
- Santa Fe Area
- Snowshoeing, Hiking
- 505-660-0394
Helpful Links
Tour Companies
Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing
- Santa Fe Area
- Snowshoeing, Hiking
- 505-660-0394
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Useful Map(s):
Additional Details:
This trail is in the Pecos Wilderness. Motorized equipment and mechanized transportation, including mountain bikes, hunter carts, and chainsaws are prohibited.
The trail may be difficult to follow through the meadows and trail junctions might be obscure.