Contact Info
- Phone:
- 505-757-6121
- Length:
- 4.5 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 5 - 6 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 8960 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 8960 feet to 12160 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 3200 feet
- Usage:
- Light
- Season:
- Year Round
From Gascon Trail 239 between Jarosa Creek and Pecos Falls, the Pecos Trail heads to the north. After an initial steep and rocky climb, the trail generally remains high on the ridge west of the Pecos River. The trail may be difficult to find where it travels through meadows and becomes more obscure as it gets father from the Gascon Trail. It eventually begins to climb again through dense forest and makes a final steep, narrow, and rocky ascent to the Santa Barbara Divide and the junction with Skyline Trail 251. This last section of trail has a sheer drop-off and may be difficult for pack stock.
Tour Companies
Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing
- Santa Fe Area
- Snowshoeing, Hiking
- 505-660-0394
Helpful Links
Tour Companies
Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing
- Santa Fe Area
- Snowshoeing, Hiking
- 505-660-0394
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Useful Map(s):
Additional Details:
This trail is in the Pecos Wilderness. Motorized equipment and mechanized transportation, including mountain bikes, hunter carts, and chainsaws are prohibited.