Contact Info
3005 E. Camino del Bosque
Silver City, NM
- Phone :
- 575-388-8201
- Number of Sites:
- 15 tent sites
- Elevation:
- 7200 feet
Iron Creek Campground is in the middle of a recreational corridor spanning from the Mimbres Valley to Hillsboro, along NM Hwy 152. The campground is a popular destination due to its high altitude and beautiful surroundings. The area is dense with mixed conifer and a few aspen trees. There is also a small creek running through the campground that attracts wildlife of all description. The area is easily accessed by most vehicles, during most weather conditions.
Open year roundLocation
East of Silver City off of State 152.Elevation
7200 feetBasic Info
- Total Sites:
- 15 tent sites
Additional Details
Wood may be scarce close by. Winter weather might make this campground unaccessible.
Mimbres has a store and gas station and several restaurants. The nearest town for all other amenities is Silver City.
Campground is on a gently sloping hill and gradually gets steeper. Plenty of room between users.
Not recommended for RVs over 17 feet.
Good biking can be found in the vicinity, although no trails begin at this particular campground.
The Railroad Canyon Trailhead (trail no. 128) is located approximately 1/2 mile west of Iron Creek campground. Trails from this location lead up into the Aldo Leopold Wilderness.
Emory Pass Scenic Vista is located approximately 8 miles east of the campground and affords the visitor dramatic views of the middle Rio Grande Valley.
State Highway 152 starting at San Lorenzo and ending in Hillsboro is a mountain road with beautiful scenic sites at every curve.
Offers good woodland birding including Whip-poor-will, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Grace''s Warbler, Painted Redstart, Northern Pygmy-Owl and Spotted Owl. The Habitat is mixed deciduous and coniferous forest.