Contact Info
Artesia, NM
- Location:
- Downtown Artesia
- Type:
- Park-Overlook
Heritage Walkway took shape after a building fire left a downtown lot vacant circa 1962. In 1976, the Artesia Junior Women’s Club created two murals, with the assistance of a local art teacher, in celebration of the country’s bicentennial year. The Artesia Garden Club maintained the Walkway for years until the work became too much for the club’s members.
In 1999, Artesia MainStreet began renovating the area, including the installation of a water fountain series and thousands of hand-crafted tiles created by ceramics artist Shel Neymark of Embudo, New Mexico. The original murals were retouched with improved paints. New gates were created and installed by welder and artist Debbie Rottman of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
In 2004, a third mural was added on the north end of the Walkway by local muralist Noel Marquez. The murals and tiles within the Walkway represent Artesia's heritage. Detailed descriptions are contained on plaques displayed along the walkway.