Contact Info
Federal Building, Room 159
Carlsbad, NM 88220
- Phone:
- 575-885-4181
- Length:
- 12.5 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 7 - 8 hours
Turn south onto FR540 for 11.4 miles to FR201 (east); end of graveled road.
From this point, an ATV, motorcycle, or high clearance 4-wheel drive vehicle is required on this road.
Turn east on FR201 and go 6 miles to the Dark Canyon Lookout Tower.
This will take hours to complete. Guadalupe Ridge Trail Road is an extremely slow, rough and challenging driving experience for any vehicle or ATV.
From the Lookout Tower, proceed for approximately 8.5 miles on FR201 until it dead ends at the Guadalupe Ranger District boundary. This portion of FR201 is just as slow and rough than the previous 6 miles on FR201 and you must turn around on the same road to exit.
Motorized and mechanized vehicles of any type are not allowed past the District boundary.
If you do not want to continue on FR201 past the Lookout Tower, take FR69A north and CR412A/FR69 west to FR540.
We think the panorama and canyon views of FR201 are like no other in southeast New Mexico. Be prepared for this journey!!