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Devisadero Loop Trail No. 108

Contact Info
Penasco, NM 87553

5 miles
2.5 - 3.5 hours
Trailhead Elevation:
7200 feet
Year Round


This trail begins across the highway from the El Nogal Picnic Area.

The Devisadero Loop Trail will pass through two very different forest types. On the south facing slope the trail travels through pinons, juniper and some gambel oak. As the trail drops over to the north side of the mountain the environment is much darker and cooler with tall Douglas firs and white firs replacing the smaller drought resistant pinon/juniper forest.

Approximately 1/4 mile from the trailhead you will encounter a fork in the trail. The righthand fork goes directly up to the Devisadero Peak, elevation 8,304 feet. The lefthand fork has switchbacks which will take you up to the ridgeline. Once on the ridgeline you can follow the trail eastward to Devisadero Peak.

Devisadero means a "lookout" point or place. The peak had once been used by the Taos Pueblo Indians to stand guard against the Apaches who would come down Taos Canyon in raid the pueblo.

In summer, there is quite an array of beautiful wildflowers. There are several vista overlook points along this trail. Looking westward are beautiful views of the town of Taos, the Rio Grande Gorge and San Antonio Mountain. Looking northward you will see the Taos Pueblo and the Wheeler Peak Wilderness area.

Tour Companies

  • Santa Fe Area
  • Snowshoeing, Hiking
  • 505-660-0394

Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing From alpine to desert, Outspire guides enrich your experience by giving context to your hike. So that your destination is not only what you see, but a sense of where the area fits in New Mexico's history, geology and natural world. Our hiking guides are experienced, enthusiastic, and motivated to share the joy of being outside! Day hikes and winter snowshoe outings are planned to suit your interests and fitness.


5 miles
2.5 - 3.5 hours
Trailhead Elevation:
Year Round
Useful Map(s):
USGS: Taos

Map + Directions

Basic Directions

From Taos, follow US Highway 64 approximately three miles east of Taos.

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