Contact Info
1710 N. Riverside Drive
Española, NM 87532
- Phone:
- 505-753-7331
- Length:
- 13 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 9 - 10 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 8000 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 8000 feet to 9350 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1350 feet
- Usage:
- Light
- Season:
- Year Round
From Ranch Viejo, cross to the northwest side of the Rio Capulin and look for the trail heading up Cañada Vaca. The area is appropriately named as the Spanish translation means Cow Canyon. The trail may not be obvious for the first half mile due to the open grassy meadows around Rancho Viejo. Continue north up the canyon. As it narrows, the trail tread soon becomes more evident. At the top of the pass there is a fence and a gate, and then the trail begins the descent down Cañon del Oso (Spanish: Bear Canyon) to the Rio Frijoles.
At this point, cross to the north side of the river, proceed upstream for a few hundred yards and look for the trail heading north up the hillside. The Borrego Trail climbs up to another pass above Agua Sarca Canyon and then descends in to the Rito Gallina Canyon. Little or no water may be encountered until the junction with Trail 156 and the Rito Con Agua. Here the trail levels off quite a bit and descends gradually to the Rio Medio. This river is quite substantial at this point. It originated at the base of South Truchas Peak about 10 miles to the east and has accumulated the runoff from many side canyons along the way. After crossing to the north side of the Rio Medio, there is only a short climb out of the canyon to Borrego Mesa.
Tour Companies
Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing
- Santa Fe Area
- Snowshoeing, Hiking
- 505-660-0394
Helpful Links
Tour Companies
Outspire Hiking and Snowshoeing
- Santa Fe Area
- Snowshoeing, Hiking
- 505-660-0394
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Useful Map(s):
Additional Details:
There are no facilities available at this site.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Rancho Viejo can be approached from several directions. The most direct access is from the Santa Fe Ski Basin or Aspen Ranch (see Borrego Trail 150). The trail can also be approached from the north end by way of Borrego Mesa.